About me
Hi! I am now a second-year PhD student in SUTD, advised by Professor Soh De Wen. Before joined SUTD, I received my bachelor degree (with honors) from School of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, where I am advised by Professor Siliang Tang in ZJUAI/DCD.
My research interests lie in Natural Language Processing and Applied Machine Learning. I am so interested in Natural Language Understand and my dream of research is to build computers that can intelligently process, understand, and generate human language material. So I hope that the general area of my research is robust but linguistically sophisticated natural language understanding, and opportunities to use it in real-world domains. And my current topics include Structure Prediction and Latent-structures Guided NLP.
Before confirming my research interest in the field of natural language processing, I went to Oracle and a startup company for internships in software development and natural language processing algorithm engineering. Now I will also join Alibaba DAMO Academy as a NLP Research Intern.
For more details of mine, you can find them in my CV.