The subject of the lecture was beyond my competence. After the first five minutes I was completely lost. At the end of the lecture an arcane dialogue took place between the speaker and some members of the audience—Ambrose and Singer if I remember correctly. There followed a period of tense silence. Professor Struik broke the ice. He raised his hand and said, ``Give us something to take home!’’ Calabi obliged, and in the next five minutes he explained in beautiful simple terms the gist of his lecture. Everybody filed out with a feeling of satisfaction.
—Gian-Carlo Rota
Aug. 2016 - Jul. 2021, Department of Computer Science, Zhejiang University
Core Courses:
For details of core courses I attended, you can find them in my CV.
PhD Student:
Sept. 2021 - Present, Information Systems Technology and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Hope to experience more different life through graduate research.